Camp Regis-Applejack is really two camps in one, each meeting the specific interests and needs of a different age group.

Camp Regis is for boys and girls ages 6 through 12. Here the focus is on the group living experience as well as on introducing campers to new activities and improving upon their already existing skills.
This is the age when most children begin their resident camping experience. As such, the camp’s nurturing staff provides support and guidance to help each new camper make a positive adjustment to new experiences and to a new environment.
Applejack is a teen camp for boys and girls ages 13 through 16. In addition to all of the in-camp activities, the teens are given the opportunity for more out-of-camp travel with day trips to such areas as Montreal, Quebec, and Lake George.
The oldest teens participate in a week-long “teen tour” trip that in past years has visited Canada, Cape Cod, and The Maine coast. We also have a Camper-in-Leadership-Training program which provides an opportunity for the older teens to develop skills while working with younger campers or in activity areas, all under careful guidance and instruction.